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3 Mindsets for Motivation at Work

3 Mindsets for Motivation at Work

Read on for 3 Very Simple Mindsets You Can Use Right Now to Feel More Motivated at Work:

  1. The, I OWN THIS COMPANY mindset – the next time you walk through those doors at your job I want you to take a good look around and pretend you own everything you’re seeing. You’re not just an employee, you own this place. This isn’t “their” company it’s yours so work as if you own it. You have to become the brand of this company/organisation; you’re the CEO so take tremendous pride in whatever it is you do daily. It doesn’t matter what your actual job title is, approach all your tasks with enthusiasm and excellence.
  1. The, EVERYONE IS RELYING ON ME mindset – people need a reason to do things and these reasons are called the motivation. When a person’s motivation is too small he/she won’t be very productive. I want you to pretend that if you don’t go to work and produce excellent work that everything is going to go to hell and the whole company is going to deteriorate into absolute chaos. Try pretending that if you do not get that promotion your entire family is going to starve and die. Pretend that the entire world is secretly watching you every… single… day. You can’t mess this up, someone is relying on you: someone needs you!
Motivation at Work
  1. The, I AM EXCELLENCE mindset – you need to internalise excellence and become a representation of excellence. Everything you do is excellence because all you are is excellence. Think of success/excellence and work at being a representation of it. Do everything to the best of your ability because you realise that you are a successful person and that’s just what successful people do. Go here: for more information.

Those are 3 Mindsets for Motivation at work try them and see if it makes a difference. I just want to leave you with this: you might not like your job or boss or team very much but remember that you cannot change them. Yes you could quit your job and avoid the people you dislike but why not change yourself? Decide to have more positive thoughts and behave in a more productive way. What you do isn’t even nearly as important as how you do it, remember that. Learning to install new mindsets is going to help you, trust me I did it and you can too. Thanks for reading.